Adding deposit amount in availability call
1 Comment
Edward - There are a couple of different items here.
1 - we are working on a Connect API Deposit information link that will give you the break down of when deposits are due etc.
2 - We can't generically add the deposit amount in the availability call as there may be other addons that need to be added and thus the amount may only be the room charge and not other items.
Hey support,
We would very much need to have a deposit amount due per rate because right now we get the amount from /ext/{reservation_confirmation_number}/deposit_policy. This is bad because the amount can only be accessed after the reservation has been made, this causes a lot of problems because we would have to make an authorisation with the full amount and charge the deposit amount.
1. This is important because some rates have deposit policies requiring a guest to pay a percentage of the full amount, e.g. 10% of 100EUR which is just 10EUR.
We see that the /connect/hotel/{id}/availability returns something like:
rate_id: (integer)Rate identifier
rate_code: (string)Rate Code
deposit_rule_info: (object)Deposit rule information
cancel_rule_info: (object)Cancellation rule information
id: (integer)Cancel rule identifier
name: (string)Cancel rule name
description: (string)Cancel rule description
room_types: (array of object)List of room types available filtered by request parameters and its details
id: (integer)RoomType identifier
name: (string)Name of the room type
availability: (integer)Availability count
adr: (number)Average Daily Rate
We see that the /connect/hotel/{id}/availability/room_rates returns something like this
{ "total_stay_cost": 390.2, "total_inclusive_tax": 50, "total_exclusive_tax": 20.2,
"total_amount_due": 20.2, ------------- here "stay_dates": [ { "date": "2020-03-31", "rate_amount": 85, "addon_amount": 100, "exclusive_tax": 15.1, "inclusive_tax": 25, "total_amount": 200.1 }, { "date": "2020-04-01", "rate_amount": 85, "addon_amount": 100, "exclusive_tax": 5.1, "inclusive_tax": 25, "total_amount": 190.1 } ]
2. Since we are moving to the rover connect, we can't find a matching call in the API docs.