automated use of billing address
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as an addition: payment via direct bill needs to be possible as well
Dear SNT team,
any news here? It's really time consuming to send individual invoices for direct bill payments.
Best regards,
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Dear SNT team,
as discussed in ticket 62070, we would need an automated way to work with billing addresses and also send the invoice to the guest with the billing address.
So what we need:
- set billing instruction in the company profile (doesn't matter for us if the bill is then bill 1, 2 or whatever) - or maybe a checkbox in the company profile "use company address"?
- automated handling (not something which needs to be set in every single reservation as the checkbox "use company address")
- bill sent during bulk check-out (it would also help if bill 2 is included in the bulk check-out! - if there is anything on it) - but here bill would need to be sent to email address in company profile though (important for virtual credit card payments - guest is not allowed to see the invoice).
We are working a lot with automated processes.
Best regards,