Inactivate unused Demographic Codes with past reservations attached
3 CommentsSorted by Oldest First
We should be able to hide unused demographics codes when they are no longer in use. Additionally, we should be able to re-class old production into the new code production to make reporting for certain CRS systems more clean.
I agree. We need to hide unused demographic codes to keep it more clean, as well as make it easier for the reservation staff.
The Colony hotel Palm Beach, has also request this feature be added and made available.
2 people like this idea
At times when hotel's marketing strategy changes or ownership changes or for any other reasons, they need to make some of the demographic codes redundant and create new codes based on the new requirement. In Rover, as per current functionality it is not possible to de-activate a demographic code if there any any reservations attached. These reservations could be Past, Current or Future. For not too big hotels it might still be possible to update the demographic code to the new ones for future reservations but it becomes a very big task to update the past reservations.
Therefore, hotels are requesting that they be allowed to inactivate the demographic codes even if there are past checked out reservations attached to these codes.