
Custom Registration Card (print version)

Allow more customization to the registration card.  Perhaps option to suppress the rate from printing, condense the contact form within the card.  The contact information boxes take up a lot of room and forces the reg card to become more than one page when reservation is for multiple days etc.  Would be nice if it was just a one page registration card with the terms / conditions signature etc. 


Forum User

Please see attached to this request is a scanned copy of the hotel registration card.  I would like for ROVER to remove the daily rate section as there is already an average daily cost (see highlighted section in the attachment) on the reg card.  This information is not necessary and takes up ample space on the space where the general terms and condition cannot be visible on the first page.  I would like for the hotel general terms and condition to be on the front page and signature below.  Right now if I include the terms and condition, i have to print 2 pages and we do not need 2 pages for a registration card.  Please help us resolve this.  Thank you.  

SNT Team

Cobblestone Hotel & Suites in Andrews, TX would like a condensed registration card option for extended stays that does not display the every date as a separate line so that the registration card does not flow onto multiple pages.

SNT Team

Vive Hotel Waikiki would like to see more customization capabilities to the registration cards. Remove the breakdown of each nightly rate per line item and just display the total amount, being able to select certain fields if enabling contact details or vehicle details. 

Forum User

Cobblestone in Mosinee would like the option to remove the daily rate lines. On extended stay reservations with the same daily rate, Stayntouch needlessly creates a multi-page reservation. Even if we check the "do not print rate" box, all of the daily rate lines still generate, just without the price in them. 

SNT Team

Soka Suites would also like a condensed registration card option for extended stays that does not display the every date as a separate line so that the registration card does not flow onto multiple pages.

SNT Team

Also, Honor's Haven would like the ability to display the Rate Code name on the reg card.

SNT Team

Honor's Haven Retreat & Conference would also like to see the ability to customize reg cards.


  • Change layout
  • Change font styles of default text
  • Add a signature line above "Signature" section
  • Condense or select only certain guest contact fields to appear (rather than large chunk that includes information they do not want or need to collect)

SNT Team

Botanic Hotel would like the ability to hide a rate on a registration card based on rate code if possible, without creating a suppressed rate.

SNT Team

Skipjack would like to remove the static guest signature line.

Forum User

We would also like the ability to customize layout and condense or select only certain guest contact fields to appear (rather than large chunk that includes information they do not want or need to collect)!

SNT Team

Hotel Sorrento would also like to see options to further customize the registration card display labels, sections of information populating from the guest card that take up less space so that the registration card can be kept on 1 page (less than Show Contact Information adds).

Forum User

HOTEL JULIANI -  I would like to customise the Registration card and not print the daily Rate Section... too long and not needed. 

Forum User

Hotel Esme is requesting full customization to the registration card.  Examples include:

1. Ability to change font.  2 Ability to hide or add items on the top of the card.  3. Condensing the top part of the form (reservation information). 4. Ability to remove the address (as they have a logo with the address already).

SNT Team

Blackcomb Springs Suites would also like to see more customization options for the registration card - in particular, translation options (so that they could display the word "Suite" in place of "Room"), etc.

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