Cancellation Confirmation Emails Template

Dear SNT team, 

It could be great if the emails that we send to the guest can recap the cancelled stay with dates (arrival and departure), room type, rate, number of guest, like the booking confirmation letters. Currently, the letter attached to the cancellation confirmation email is almost emply and not really aesthetic (a header could also be added to the mail) ! 

Would you be able to create the same template than the booking confirmation for the cancellation confirmation? And avoid to have a file attached ?

Please, find attached screenshots to illustrate my point ! 

Thank you very much.



Forum User

Dear SNT team, 

I also agree that our property would benefit from a template being created as well. We have also struggled with guests receiving a bland empty cancellation confirmation email. 

Looking forward to this improvement!


Taylor Frick IHH

Forum User


SNT Team

The Broome Hotel would like the Cancellation Email/Letter to be able to include guest details, reservation summary, stay details. 

Forum User

We would love for this improvement to be implemented as it has been three years and this is still an ongoing issue for multiple properties. 

Forum User

This is so Long Overdue.... 

We have ended up.. Signing up with 3rd Party solutions to achieve some of the very basics... and it is just not fair.
Proper Confirmation letter that matches the company branding/ Cancellation letters that state dates and room canceled and Offer a Room Upsell solution that can take care to more than 3 room type levels... 

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