Market Segment Statistics Report Date Range

It would make COMPLETE sense if the existing report for the Market Segment Statistics Report had a date range like the other reports so that you can look at your own range of results. Right now, it defaults to TODAYS date. Thats great, but if you want to look at a range, you cant. The only option right now is to set the report to the date for the end of a month (31st, 30th, 28th) and then go in, look at the Month to Date and then go re-run the report for a different date and manually add the two MTD column results together in a manual spreadsheet because the report also doesn't export to excel.

So - please update this report with a date range so we can search a start and end date, pull the EXISTING DATA that is already in the historical records, but shows us what we might need.

For example, say you wanted to look at the 4th quarter of the prior year, you'd have to basically run 3 runs of this report, setting the date to the last day of the month, add all the MTD results in a separate file, and manually do the math versus a report that just shows on the screen or exportable.

Please change the report to 1. be exportable and 2. add the date range option.

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