How exactly does the communication between Stayntouch and 3C Payments work in relation to credit card charges?
We have found that a unique ID (AUTH.CODE) is sent from Stayntouch to 3C along with other information such as the amount.
Unfortunately, when when we make a refund via Stayntouch, Stayntouch does not provide an AUTH.CODE.
Why is this the case?
How else would you assign payments from 3C Payments to Stayntouch invoices?
How exactly does the communication between Stayntouch and 3C Payments work in relation to credit card charges?
We have found that a unique ID (AUTH.CODE) is sent from Stayntouch to 3C along with other information such as the amount.
Unfortunately, when when we make a refund via Stayntouch, Stayntouch does not provide an AUTH.CODE.
Why is this the case?
How else would you assign payments from 3C Payments to Stayntouch invoices?