Show restrictions in Availability Dashboard
10 CommentsSorted by Oldest First
This would be super helpful with minimum length of stay restrictions.
Hello SNT team. Any update on this? We would love to be able to see the minimums on this screen. Also, when we implement a stop-sell, can we have this screen updated to reflect this? Thanks!
It would be super helpful to be able to see restrictions on the availability screen!
Hi there,
We are also very interested on such a feature. Any updates? Thanks!
Would like to resurface this and state that it would be a SUPER helpful feature within the system.
Agree- would love to have this feature!
My reservations team would be so grateful if this was an added feature!
Please add this future asap!! This would be a game changer for our team.
Yes PLEASE!! Gamechanger!
11 people like this idea
It would be nice to see the restrictions in the availability dashboard. Right now Restrictions are only shown as closed:

Something like CTA or MS2 would be very helpful