Registration Card Hard Coded Entries

It would be helpful if SNT could let us pick what is printed on the registration card.  Some of the boxes are not needed for our hotel and if the hard coded spaces can't be removed can the titled boxes be changed to read Anniversary, Birthday, Repeat Guest etc. 

Thank You!

1 Comment

SNT Team

Enable more toggles in registration card settings. Fore example. consider a leisure resort - we would like the guests contact details (address / email) but we do not need to know what their job title is for example. 

We need more toggles for the existing items (eg: Address Y/N, Email Y/N, Phone Y/N)

Nationality and DOB are irrelevant for some hotels too. These boxes take a up a lot of space, pushing the registration card over 2 pages with even a small list of terms and conditions. 

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