Add On Report for Future Guests

I was searching to see if a report could be added so we know what guests are arriving who have placed an add-on to their reservation. I see the "add-on forecast" which shows us revenue, but not actual guest names who have requested these add ons. Thank you!

SNT Team

Hi Lindsey, 

If you keep clicking the orange down arrows, the reservation names should display.



Forum User

Hi Claire,

Thank you for this! It definitely helps, but is not completely accurate. If you will notice from my attachment, that some guests are listed; however, if you go to confirmation number 104527 - Charles Anderson, you will see that he has an Add-On for Hazy Jane and it is not listed on our report. There are a few similar to this as well, but here is one example. If you could please let us know what we may be doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

-Lindsey Shook

SNT Team

I'll convert this into a support ticket rather, I'll revert shortly. 

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