In Progress

Bill 1, Bill 2, etc in the folio should show names when Shared or Routed

When in a folio, in billing and payments, it says Bill 1, Bill 2, etc when ou hit the plus sign. Instead of sating Bill 1 and Bill 2, which would denote that these are simply separate charges within one singular guests folio, when sharing or routing, it should have the company, person or entity name in place of Bill 1 and 2.

So, for example, Dan Johnson and he is rooming with Dave Johnson. Bill one could be Dan if I am in Dans folio, but if there's routing or shared charges for Dave, the tab 2 should say Dave as opposed to Bill 2, etc. etc.

Forum User

Agree, but need to also allow us to Set up routing to a person's profile that isn't a guest of the hotel. Right now if Mom(Julie) wants to pay for her daughters room (Sarah) and Mom isn't staying with us, We need to to properly account for her information. By routing Room and Tax to Bill 2, it still looks like Sarah's folio. If the routed card fails or has issues at check out, there is no information within the system to enter Julie's contact information so the front desk has a way to contact the card holder paying for the room. So right now our team is trained to enter all that persons information into the comments/notes on a reservation. Julies, name, address, email, and phone number along with the last 4 digits of her card that should be covering the charges. In other PMS systems you can route to another person's profile / Stay Card that holds all that persons information. This also make's it easy to send a bill to that person because sending Bill 2 folio to Mom after she pays, still says Sarah's name and everything at the top and if Mom can get re-imbursed by work or get points through Visa or something, It won't show her information, though she paid, since it shows the main guests information. 

SNT Team

White River Inn & Suites/Giri Hotels would like to be able to rename Bills with the Guest/Individual name(s) on the reservation. 

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