Reservation & Guest Card Search

Can we expand the field list to search for reservations / cards ? We'd like to be able to search by phone number too - as some OTA's block us from seeing the guests email address. This will save a lot of duplicate cards from being created. 

Forum User

Yes this is a must. I was surprised when I found out that you neither in rover nor Travelclick GMS could search for phone numbers. Should be as unique as an email. Among others do not send us real emails, also we have some that refuse to give us their email address but are fine with giving us their phone number.

Forum User

It would also be great to search by a third party booking confirmation. 

Forum User

Please add search by phone number! This is incredibly important, especially for smaller hotels with many repeat guests. We find that guests often leave just a phone number in voicemail messages, and there is no way for the reservationist to search the guest in order to view the stay card before calling them back.

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