Booking Pace Report

TWA hotel would like a booking pace report where they can compare business on the books for a given date range as it appears on date X versus date Y to see how well specific dates are selling (this will aid them in pricing and strategy)

SNT Team

Historic Taos Inn would like to see a Booking Pace Report to compare business over time.  The parent company for Taos Inn uses InnRoads and they have a pretty robust rev. mgmt. and pacing module.  Included samples from InnRoads that works for this chain.

Forum User

Burrard Hotel is also requesting a Pace Report.  They want to see for example 3 months (January, February, March).  January would have actual data and February/March would be what is forecasted.

SNT Team

The Claremont Hotel would also like to see this functionality and would like the ability to see a pace report for each of their room types.

SNT Team

This is also needed by the Oceanic team.  They would like to compare month over month or year over year.

Forum User

We would like a pace report to show the following kind of pick up data.

Thank for your consideration.


SNT Team

The Roundtree, Amagansett would like to see a Pace Report with a summary, detail by month, and a detailed pick up by stay day consumed for room sold, occupancy, revenue, ADR, and RevPAR. Ideally, there would be a YOY comparison option as well. They had this in their legacy PMS.

SNT Team

Giri Hotels is also interested in a pick up / pace report; they currently have to create them manually.

SNT Team

Cobblestone has also requested this as of Feb 2025

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