
Group Deposit Rules

Can we consider an option to manually select or enter a deposit rule / schedule on a group - independent of the rate selection?

SNT Team

This was put into pilot in July and is almost ready for general release. Keep an eye on the release notes! We appreciate your feedback and hope this enhancement is helpful for you.

SNT Team

Good news - this is coming soon! We'll update you when it's released.

Forum User

SNT Team - this is a super important function and feature in a standard PMS system.  What do we need to do to make it happen?  The first request was five (5) years ago...  Should not take this long for the people paying you to be able to get a function needed to run their business.

Forum User

Please please please make this happen!

SNT Team

EOS Hospitality is also requesting this feature.

SNT Team

Provincetown Inn is anxious for this enhancement.

SNT Team

Beach Retreat and Lodge at South Lake Tahoe would also like to see this enhancement.

SNT Team

Allegria Hotel is also anxious for this feature for their SMERF group blocks. It would also be ideal for them if these were then reflected on the Stayntouch IBE so that the guest sees the actual deposit owed.

SNT Team

Pacifica Hotels has a healthy group business and the hotel teams would benefit from collecting missed revenues on a timely basis as well as automating the process.  Here is a summary of the request:

  • Allow for multiple deposit rules to be applied to the Group 
  • Automatically collect the deposit based on the rules set up on the Group.  For example, collect 50% 90 days prior to arrival, then collect remaining (100%) 30 days out
  • Ability to store a credit card for the Group that can be used to collect the deposits automatically and/or manually if needed

SNT Team

Adding Hotel 1620 to the list please

SNT Team

The Asbury / Asbury Ocean Club would also like to see this functionality.

Forum User

yes please!

or set a house deposit level which applies to all rate plans, which don't have a deposit rule.

or allow us to set a deposit rule for the custom group rate.


Schani Hotels

Forum User

We use the custom rate option for nearly all of our groups - this would be INCREDIBLY useful!

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