Avatar Indicator - Add custom indicator in place of stay count

The VIP indicator is great.  I suggest that the stay indicator in the top right be made a custom indicator the property can use (a 3 -4 letter code or something like that that the property can use as an internal flag).  Also the stay information should be housed in the guest profile as opposed to an indicator.  

We would like to use that indicator for example to Identify our Expedia VIP+ members

Forum User

Please look at adding other indicators besides VIP - with some different colors - this would help us Identify more than just VIP 

Forum User

Please, someone take this suggestion and entertain it.  At least a little feedback would be great    Yesterday we had a co2 gas leak - we ended up having the building evacuated.  We had in-house HCA guests who needed extra assistance and a room with a pet.  

Back in the day of buckets we had laminated color coded sheets that would be an indicator for a HCA person who needed special service or assistance should an emergency occur.  We also had one for pets that were in a room.  so if we needed to let the fire department or other team members know who needed assistance it was easily identifiable by having these indicators. 

With this system there is no way to quickly glance.  You could note in the notes then run a report but that takes  time away should a quick evac was necessary. 

I highly recommend somehow coming up with a way to flag reservations (like to stay counter or VIP indicator) so these rooms can be quickly identified in an emergency.

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