In Progress

Credit card details on an account

We would like to have a way to save credit card details on a Front Desk or Group account, so that when it comes time to settle all the charges that have been routed to the account, the credit card details are available for processing. 

When a group confirms and supplies card details for settlement, it may be some months before the charges are actually raised. Being able to save the card in Rover is more secure than on a piece of paper in a file. 

When we add routing on a group for example, there is a place to enter payment information - perhaps this can be saved as a payment method on the account too?

Forum User

I agree with Amanda.  We have many accounts that do not have a group attached, we'd like to be able to manage from the account also.  

Forum User

I agree with Amanda, saving credit card information in the group is more manageable than creating a company card for each.  Especially since it doesn't seem like you can remove or make a company card inactive, which leaves you with hundreds of one time cards after awhile.

Forum User

Is there a time frame for this now that it is in the Planned stage?  Also, will we be able to store the card for just the specific group or to an account? 

we have many repeat groups who visit us several times a year and it would be great to be able to pull the card information for multiple groups.  

thank you!

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