Group Pick-up Reports

Hello, Is it possible to add a feature to the pick-up report to only choose 1 group. When doing pick-up reports the report is not helpful unless you can choose a specific group. 

Forum User

Hello! I would also like to request this, my pick up report will be 40-90 pages if i can not filter the groups. Can we please make it possible to select certain groups in the pick up report

Forum User

Agreed - this is dumb to not have. We need a way to see original block, actual pick up, actual outstanding, and if there's a release, that it shows the rooms released and when and then each are estimated in value. Say you have a hotel and its heavy group, then the sales folks have a block in for 40 rooms but 10 cancel. In the system as it is, it only shows the current block and current pick up - but that shows a skewed picture of the block being the original block and hides the fact that a big loss, in this example, 25%, decline! So where's the accountability other than spending an inordinate amount of time going into individual folios or groups and reading through the activity log.

While we are at it, what's the deal with the activity log? its awful and reads like something an IT person would read. Why not ONLY show you the changes? Why show me everything in there, crossed or struck out, then other data. Its hard to read, makes the scrolling longer, etc. Why not JUST show us what was changed? Either way, a report is and would be better. Pleas put this on the front burner - surely anyone managing their inventory and history and demand would want to look at groups and such and see what was held originally and what is there now and analyzing the loss. Otherwise, it looks like 100% of everything picked up when in fact, it didnt, theres lost business in there.

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