
Automatic No Show Charging

Request for No-Show charges to be posted automatically at the EOD

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We would like to request this as well!

Forum User

Yes, this would be incredible!

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This would be a fantastic feature!

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up vote here too.

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This is under product review. 

I would like to ask for clarification on the expectation.

Generally a no show charge is = to the first night room rate of the reservation, so by having this feature, you would expect to always post the 1st night reservation rate to the guest bill on the pre selected no show charge code. Correct? 


Forum User

Hi! This is great news. Yes - We would prefer just the first night reservation rate to be post using a separate no show charge.

Forum User

Great news! Yes, we would prefer just the first night to post if possible. Thank you! 

Forum User

I think you should have the setting option of posting either the first night or the total stay.

Forum User

If you couls set up so AP rates are full stay no show charge and all other rate first night, would be helpful

Forum User

good idea

Forum User

Good idea - but maybe add a rule (like cancellation and deposit policies), or take the value from the cancellation policy. Noshow charge is not always the 1st night or full stay, it can also depend on the rate plan.

Forum User

We have two no show fees that need to post dependant on the rate code. Our Online travel agent rates (Expedia, Agoda, etc.) have a different tax rate structure than direct bookings, and adjusting each individual tax is well... taxing

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Is there a way to have different no-show charges post at EOD for different rate codes? For example our OTA (expedia, agoda, etc.) have a different tax structure that should post with No-show fees than say a BAR no-show.

Forum User

Is there any news on this very interesting topic - 

one wonders why, at the end of 2023, this is not part of the vanilla product.

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