
Save payment history for groups - save cc

Please update the SNT to allow Groups to save CC information. Having to type the entire credit card number into the payment type. CC number should be saved to group file same as guest profiles. Also add the pre auth button to groups. We need the option to pre authorized a credit card saved onto a group master profile.


Hi Jaime,
I didn't receive a call, when would you like me to call and the best number?


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I tried calling and couldn't hear anyone pick up. Please call me at 816-897-8137. Thank you so much


Hi Jaime,

Thank you for speaking with me.  I understand that we can not save a credit card for payments to group transactions and it is frustrating to enter the card each time, we also tried from the Account and not allowing to save this information as well.  I know that you do not want to house full credit card numbers for guest and understand the situation.  We talked about pre auth for groups and advised that this would be a feature request, 
Please visit the StayNTouch Ideas and Feature Requests forum

We discussed me following back with an clear answer today by 4pm and speaking again on Monday.

Kind regards,


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Hi Jaime,

Unfortunately, I have confirmed we are not able to save credit card information to make a payment from the group transaction page. This would be a feature request.

Kind regards,


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Thank you Sharon! Please kindly pass my request on to the feature request team. I would greatly appreciate this.

Forum User

Currently  - when entering credit card information under billing information in the group summary page the card is saved, but then you are unable to access that credit card information anywhere else in the group. It cannot be used as a payment method under account or transactions.  Ideally, you would be able to enter group CC info into this billing information and then be able to use it as a payment method. 

Forum User
We have a lot of accounts that have a cc on file and we are just holding paper authorizations that are non redacted because we can’t get the information to store in the account payment method. This creates more of a security risk and takes too much time to manually enter and process every month.
Forum User

Would be great to get the same "wallet" functionality you just released on Company Cards available on Groups!

Forum User

This would be very useful to save the card information for future payments or refunds for groups.

Forum User

Wallet function for Groups please!

SNT Team

Hotel Tampa Riverwalk would also like to see this functionality.

Forum User

Please add this function.  We need to be able to store credit card information for our Groups!

SNT Team

Hi all,

We are excited to share that this feature has been released - credit cards can now be stored via the Group's billing information set up or on the account bill window. We hope this helps make your account / group payment processing more efficient!



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