CC AUTH OPTION/Button ON ALL ACCOUNT TYPES. House Account and Group Accounts Pre - Auth
I agree that the ability to pre-authorize a credit card on a House or Group account should be available. It would greatly help with billing to be able to authorization their card and clear up any issues prior to their departure.
Currently - when entering credit card information under billing information in the group summary page the card is saved, but then you are unable to access that credit card information anywhere else in the group. It cannot be used as a payment method under account or transactions. Ideally, you would be able to enter group CC info into this billing information and then be able to use it as a payment method.
Currently - when entering credit card information under billing information in the group summary page the card is saved, but then you are unable to access that credit card information anywhere else in the group. It cannot be used as a payment method under account or transactions. Ideally, you would be able to enter group CC info into this billing information and then be able to use it as a payment method.
Belvedere on Hudson has requested this functionality for groups
this is a suggested enhancement from Sage properties as well:
We need cc information to be stored on House accounts, for example we have condo residents and owners that have house accounts that they use to post restaurant and meeting room charges to
12 people like this idea
CC AUTH OPTION/Button ON ALL ACCOUNT TYPES. House Account and Group Accounts Pre - Auth on Credit card token should be available.