Force adjustment Reason
I would like to clarify the mandatory reason field.
- The adjustment field should be made mandatory when making a negative posting vie add charges button
- The adjustment field should be made mandatory when making an adjustment using the edit button on a charge code
- The adjustment reason needs to be populated on the Financial adjustment report, any other reports?
- Any other reports/ areas where this needs to be adhered to?
Thank you for your feedback
The Product Team
This looks good to me
TWA has also requested this feature
Yes we need this!
yes please!
looks good!
Thank you, this would be great!
Any idea on when this is planned for? /hanna
Hi everyone, thank you for the feedback.
At the moment this is in status Planned. It will be done as soon as possible.
Thank you,
The Product team
3 months ago you wrote that this would be don as soon as possible... when is that?? /Hanna
Hi, This will be added with next week's release.
lets get this done asap!
Hi Nick! This functionality was released some time ago - if you would like to see how it can be set up please refer to the following release webinar, at around 08:32 the topic turns to force adjustment reasons and how to enable. Feel free to take a look and if any questions feel free to open a ticket with support and we can assist!
Thanks so much!
This Update only helps with pre-defined comments under settings but a Mandatory Free Text References Field will help cashier to give more detailed reason
3 people like this idea
Hi, When making a negative adjustment it would be great if it is mandatory to fill in a reason since this is shown on the Financial Adjustment Report.
Do you think this could be a quick fix? /Hanna