Delete Room Numbers
Hi All,
Great news! We are piloting the new Out of Inventory feature as of v5.78 which has now been released. If you wish to inquire about possibly joining the pilot, please open a support ticket and our team will evaluate. It is expected to be available for general release shortly. It will not be enabled by default - you will have to open a support ticket to have this feature turned on for your property.
Here are the feature enhancement details on the Release Notes.
As always, we appreciate your continued support and feedback!
Kind Regards,
This is also an urgent request for Hotel Van Belle, where the current impossibility of SNT to deactivate rooms skews the Occupancy percentage. Is there any update on implementation of this item?
when is this scheduled to be fixed?
Please update this ASAP, not being able to make a room type inactive is a substantial issue and generally a standard PMS feature.
Is there any info on when this would be possible?
+ First hotels
Checking in on this as Hotel Grinnell and Highlander Hotel would like this ability
We are still looking to delete rooms out of our system. It has lots of ramifications like our projects investible, and proper reporting.
I would also like the ability to delete room numbers even if they were assigned to reservations in the past. We inherited a hotel that sold two adjoining rooms separately, and we won't be doing that, so we need to delete the second room for any confusion and accuracy on reporting. Do we know if this will be available for the future?
Is this feature planned?
When we revise the ability to delete room numbers, please include the rooms that are considered SUITE room types.
Thanks Pierre,
Yes, so:
Inactive room numbers should not be available to be assigned to reservations.
The inactive room numbers should not count towards inventory. eg: I had 101 rooms. I marked one as inactive (deleted it?) now my inventory says I have 100 rooms, thus when I sell 100 rooms - my occupancy is 100%
And therefore, from the date that I now have '100 rooms' the inactive rooms will not impact future statistics.
The link between reservations table and rooms table is the room_id. deleting a room potentially creates orphaned records. Do I understand correctly that what you are asking for is:
For rooms marked 'inactive', or otherwise -> basically the rooms you would like to 'delete'
1) Hide a room from being shown (anywhere?)
2) Do not consider inactive rooms in statistics
Could you please confirm?
Thank you
20 people like this idea
We would like the ability to delete room numbers.
Why do we need this? Example:
If we no longer have a physical room (eg: A tent was destroyed in bad weather and we will not be replacing it)
So that we can accurately report on occupancy
Having a room permanently on out of order skews our stats
Statistics are reported on at ROOM TYPE level, not the room number
After a guest has checked out, we cannot edit the room number field anyway - so this should not cause any sort of validation issues.