possibility to only search for companycards with AR number.
First Hotel Kungsbron
started a topic 6 years ago
It would be great if we could have the option to only search for account with AR available when we do the routing.
Since so many company cards has been created since we started working in rover it takes forever to find the right company card that had an AR number, the company cards doesn´t always show the full company name either, if there are stars after to mark that "this is the card to use for routing" it does not show in full so they all look the same.
It would be great if we could have the option to only search for account with AR available when we do the routing.
Since so many company cards has been created since we started working in rover it takes forever to find the right company card that had an AR number, the company cards doesn´t always show the full company name either, if there are stars after to mark that "this is the card to use for routing" it does not show in full so they all look the same.
This would help a lot.