Likes on Reports
It would be extremely helpful to have a report or even added to the Arrival Report that shows the "guest preferences" ,"likes" and "notes" that are created and carried in the Guest Staycard Profile for each subsequent reservation. At this point, the front desk has to visually look into the Guest Staycard Profile this this information. Notes do show up in the Arrival Report when you select to see them, which is a start. However, more information readily available would be very helpful.
yes please!
The Delphi Hotel would also love this feature
The Asbury Hotel and Asbury Ocean Club would love this feature to be enhanced.
Essex Resort and Spa has also requested this.
PUBLIC Hotels would also like to see this feature.
Eienwaldi would also like to have this feature.
3 people like this idea
Likes on Guest Cards, such as Preferences and Room Features, should have the ability to be printed up on reports such as Arrival Reports. This will be much easier when looking at room assignments in the morning.