Group Total on Confirmation Does Not Update When Rates on Reservations Within the Block are Manually Adjusted

I was trying to build a group block of 4 rooms of the same type with 3 rooms at a $99 rate and the 4th room comped.  I set up the group rate as $99, then clicked into one reservation and manually adjusted the rate to zero.  When I checked the total due on the confirmation before sending to the client, I realized the totals did not update to reflect changes made on an individual reservation within the group block.  Ultimately I did the math manually as there was no way to provide an accurate total due from the confirmation email and the client would have overpaid.

SNT Team

Hotel on Rivington would also like to see the group totals reflect changes made to individual reservations within a group block. The group confirmation as well as the total on the group summary tab reflect the picked up reservation group rates rather than individual reservation rates, which is a problem if a room is complimentary or upgraded at no charge. It makes it incredibly difficult to provide an accurate total cost to the client.

SNT Team

PUBLIC Hotels is also looking for this enhancement.

SNT Team

Saddlebrook is also looking for this enhancement. An option that would work for them would be the ability to change the group rate to their normal transient complimentary rate; they would prefer this from a reporting standpoint as well.

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