
Ingenico Move5000 Credit Card Readers

 The model Ingenico Move5000 has been suggested by one of our staff (we currently use the ISC250).  Can Rover connect to this credit card reader? 


In Hilo Seaside, we will be undergoing lobby construction starting in October and the thought was to go wireless for front desk functions (starting with the credit card reader).  When Sean set us up on Rover, he already programmed our front desk iPads with the Rover URL.


I haven’t checked with our Merchant Bank yet to make sure if THEY can also connect to this new reader, but I will.  Also if it involves a lot more work in setting up the IP addresses, etc…

1 Comment

SNT Team

Hello! I know this feature request is from a while back, but I wanted to confirm that with most credit card processors (including the most popular - Stayntouch Payments and Shift4), the EMV terminals used nowadays do support remote connections via the Stayntouch iPad app. When this feature was requested, I believe most hotels were still using the traditional Merchant Link swipe devices. It is now very easy to go more "wireless" for the front desk! Please contact our support team if you need more information - they are available 24/7 via

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