House Statistics Report

Each week we, and I suspect most hotels, forecast the following week and schedule based on our forecast. A critical element to forecasting housekeeping labor accurately is knowing how many stayovers vs. departures we have on a given day. 

We need a statistical report that shows OTB totals for occupied rooms, arrivals, departures, stayovers, guests in the room, etc., for a selected range of future dates. An extended version of the report could show totals by room room type, total inventoried add-on items sold and available and so forth. We can add our expected pickup to this, but we have to know what we already have first.


Forum User

I've been asking for this too.  3 days is pretty useless.  We also don't need fancy bar graphs.  Just a simple number will do.

Forum User

Yes - this would be very helpful for us.

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