Check-out process


The check-out steps could be greatly reduced.  As it is now you have to select payment, change the default from chip reader to manual, select the card, select Make Payment, then go to Invoice to print or email, then check-out each folio desperately, then say no - we do not want to enter an e-mail, then check-out.  >> since the default on the Make Payment box is chip reader often times we dont change to Manual, then we have to canx the chip reader and try to remember to check out the reservation later as it says "your trying to charge the same amount twice within 30 seconds.

To simplify the process all you need to do is add three buttons at the bottom of the folio : 


If anything needs to be changed we can do that before hitting one of these three buttons, but 99% of the times everything is what it should be, we confirm that with the guest verbally, we do NOT need to click everything to verify.

In general, there are too many steps that are needed to make changes, but there should be an extra button that bypasses when no changes are necessary.  >> not sure if these recommendations are considered so I'll just start with this, and one simple one.

When you select Activity Log you then must select View Details... why!  Of course we want to see details if that is the only choice :)

1 Comment

Forum User

I agree with the observation that the "Show Details" button appears totally redundant when a user has selected "Activity Log".

It is does not serve any purpose, can this button be removed please?  It is not present for any of the other items such as "External References" or "Additional Details".

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