I don't know why this is taking so long because the functionality already exists...
On the availability screen, we can drop down the [OCCUPANCY %] screen and find the BAR for the least expensive room type.
Apply that function to each room type so that when we drop down the [AVAILABLE ROOMS] we see the BAR/call/rack rate for that particular room type.
Any updates?
A couple of questions to our forum users please:
1. What should this rate be - the lowest available rate of the day, depending on which it may be, of the PUBLIC category, but we would have to make sure that COMP and staff rates are flagged as such so won't appear. If we do this type of dynamic search, we will most likely have to reduce the date range to 15 days max. Or, can it be a set rate / defined as we do in the dashboard?
2. If we show rate by room type, which Occupancy would you expect to see? Single or Double by default?
3. Would this maybe make more sense within the Rate Manager screen? To have for example a toggle which will let the users choose between Rate Amount and Available rooms?
Just some thoughts - looking forward to your feedback.
SNT Product Team
Thank you for the response! We would love to just see the "call" rate or "Best Available Rate" for all available room types. Occupancy can be set to just single as it's easy to tell guests what added rollaway beds are. Ultimately, we use the availability pull over tool, but then when someone wants to see the price, we then have to exit and go over to the rate manager. So many times we have to give pricing for different room types for different days and it would be so convenient to see all of this from one screen. Listing the BAR under the number of rooms on the availability screen would be ideal. We can easily quote availability and pricing this way, all from one screen.
I think the end goal is to have the BAR for all room types and availability viewable at the same time on the availability screen.
I can drop down the OCCUPANCY % and see the BAR for the lowest-priced room:
It seems to me that everything is in place as it's not showing $0 for comped or employee rates, etc. But we would like to see it for each room type, so many another dropdown like OCCUPANCY %, AVAILABLE ROOMS, ROOMS SOLD, etc. In an ideal world, I think we'd like to see the BAR for each room type in the AVAILABLE ROOMS dropdown. Something like
Hi All,
Just to give an update on this request. This is currently work in progress and will be released soonest. We actually have a similar request on the forum to show available rooms on the Rate Manager, which we are also looking to accommodate in the not too distant future.
Unfortunately due to the current design and architecture of the availability screen, we could not easily implement the BAR side by side with the room count, and have therefore opted for adding the ability to expand the BAR row to display pricing by room type instead. I know this is not exactly what was being suggested, but hopefully a helpful step in the right direction.
SNT Product Team
Excellent news! Looking forward to the release!
Hi Yair,
Rate editing is part of our Rate Manager. We are planning to add availability to Rate Manager too in the future so you can see the rate / room combo from either tool.
SNT Product Team
Just as an additional comment, we will be adding click through functionality to NEW RESERVATION from the BAR rate as well, but this won't be ready with the next release. Initially this will be VIEW ONLY to start with.
SNT Product Team
15 people like this idea
Hello, it would be very helpful if the availability screen had the BAR rate displayed under the number of available rooms.
Right now we have to go to that screen to see which room types are available on the requested nights, or if we need to change an existing reservation to make all nights available for a new reservation.
Then the guest asks the rate and we have to close and go to New Reservation, then the guest asks for a different night or room type, we have to close that, open availability again... back and fourth.
Would be even nicer if you just click the box that has the number of available rooms with the BAR rate directly below and it takes you directly to the Stay Card with the rate & room type already there... would be most efficient!