
Daily breakfast list export/report to use in restaurant

Good morning,

We would like to see this solution.
Ideally it would be a in-house guest report but sorted by breakfast add-ons. (not booked, regular, special, group etc.)
The layout of the report should also be editable with: checkbox after name (regular,special,groups), Signature line (not booked) and sorted by room to make the lookup during breakfast faster.

Please see the attached file as an example - This report is created daily with a python script that pulls data from the inhouse guest report with altered cookie values so all guests are returned in one request. Then filtered and sorted based on add-on name. in our case we have a special login for every property that we need to maintain, the host that runs the script can be down, special characters are annoying and i am the only person in the company who can understands the code in the script. 

Thank you in advance, 

Laurens Burger


SNT Team


A new breakfast report is coming in the next release.

Product Team

Forum User

Is there any update with regards to this (very useful) change requests?

Forum User

Please add a breakfast report to include guest name, room number, nights, number of guests,  bfast included yes/no


Forum User

Please add a breakfast report to include Room Number, guest name, bfast included yes/no. 

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