
Requesting a Financial Transactions - Adjustment Report

Financial Transactions - Adjustment Report We would like to have a report similar to “Financial Transactions - Adjustment Report” but this report should include  all transactions types ( charge types)  but not limited to only adjusted posting and deletes charges. Ref: Charge Types should be all.  Also, we would like a detail report showing the guests that checked out with open balances. This report should include the following:

  • Dates,
  • Open Balance amount
  • Guest Name ,
  • last 4 digits  of credit card on file ,
  • room number
1 Comment

Forum User

Hello Sharon,

 We are requesting for two different reports - Guest Balance Report  and Financial Transactions ( Feature) .

Guest Balance Report  should include the following:

  •  Dates,
  • Open Balance amount
  • Guest Name ,
  • last 4 digits  of credit card on file
  • room number.

 Financial Transactions   Report Feature  should allow us to  search by all code transaction types ( charge types) but not limited to only adjusted posting and deletes charges  which is similar to " Financial Transactions - Adjustment Report" .

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