AR Adjustments: Need to be able to see what charge code was adjusted
Susan Wisner Phillips
started a topic
almost 7 years ago
When working on AR Adjustments, the only description showing today is "Manual Adjustment", but it should show the actual posting code that you were adjusting as this does not provide the details needed to resolve inquiries. For example, If you are adjusting off taxes, you need to be able see that "TAXES" were adjusted and that the appropriate charge code has been adjusted as well and not thrown into a MANUAL ADJUSTMENT bucket.
When working on AR Adjustments, the only description showing today is "Manual Adjustment", but it should show the actual posting code that you were adjusting as this does not provide the details needed to resolve inquiries. For example, If you are adjusting off taxes, you need to be able see that "TAXES" were adjusted and that the appropriate charge code has been adjusted as well and not thrown into a MANUAL ADJUSTMENT bucket.