Room remodeling

When a room goes under renovation for x amount of days, there should be an option to say that it is changing to a new room type.

right now, if i have a room opening on day x, if i say it opens on day x, it will be sold as the same room type for the future.  if it is changing to a new room type, i have to have it OOO until 2022 so nobody books the old room type and i have to wait until the day the room closes to change the room type and opening date and that affects my remaining rooms until the day of closure.

1 Comment

Forum User

This has impacted us from Day 1 (has been brought up on calls) but now is immediately needed.  We are scheduling a call with you soon, but wanted to "like" this feature request to try and bring it back up.  Hotels can't change room types due to ADA compatibility if needed - cannot add rooms or do any major renovations/remodeling/repurposing without making all past & future reporting invalid.

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