It would be helpful to filter Arrivals reports by the room type, i.e. in order to only view the reservations for a certain room type over a given time period. I know that we can sort by room type, but it's time consuming to click through page after page to get to the reservations I'm trying to view.
1 Comment
Nicki Dehler
over 4 years ago
SNT Team
This is possible on the Arrivals screen (the arrivals button on the dashboard) - here we have the Room Type filter.
1 person likes this idea
It would be helpful to filter Arrivals reports by the room type, i.e. in order to only view the reservations for a certain room type over a given time period. I know that we can sort by room type, but it's time consuming to click through page after page to get to the reservations I'm trying to view.