Average Length of Stay report

Good afternoon, 

As a short stay hotel, we have a different cleaning schedule than a 'normal' hotel. If we have a lot of long stay guests, we make less housekeeping costs, than when we have a lot of short stay guest. 

The average lenght of stay is a key indicator to my montly housekeeping costs. It would be great if there would be a way to check the ALOS of a particular month. 

SNT Team

Hi Jesper!

This data is visible on the Market Segment Statistics Report; try running it for the final day of the month (after it has passed, of course), and toggle to ALOS and review the MTD column. 

If you would like to look at it as a total rather than broken down by demographic, you could try adding a segment that gets attached to all reservations by default; or, you could try exporting to Excel and use formulas to look at the total ALOS (total room nights MTD divided by total bookings MTD).

Forum User

Great help Julia!

Thank you.

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