Confirmations of Reservations/Cancelations

I would love to be able to send my guests an email with their reservation details in a form that is not an invoice or folio.  Just a quick button to send confirmation of reservation or of cancellation as the case may be.

Sending the folio as confirmation has been cumbersome and confusing for my guests.  

Thank you


SNT Team

Hi Benjamin,

Thank your for using the forum!

Could you help clarify for me what you mean by sending the folio? We are sending the guest bill / folio only at check out. When sending a confirmation letter, the letter is embedded in an email itself, and the cancellation is an email as well. Could you help me by explaining why or what is cumbersome please so we can review current functionality?

Many thanks,

SNT Product Team

Forum User


I will follow up on this ticket since we have problems sending the confirmations. I have inserted a text in the settings- >stationery  and under the settings for the confirmations. It seems like the guests are not receiving any confirmations. We do have the issue at both First Hotel Reisen and also at First Hotel Atlantica. I have tried to make a test reservation with my own email address without any success. 

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Forum User

There are three different documents that I would like to send on whim.  The first is the folio.  That is already built into the system.  I would like program to prompt me on checkout (if the email field contains valid email address) to send the folio.  The other is the confirmation letter.  If someone calls me for a confirmation of reservation, I have to send them a folio.  I have no other document options although I am sure there is one generated in the background by the system.  The last is a cancellation confirmation.  I see that there is a generated letter when a reservation is canceled.  I can't send it after the cancellation is executed.  It has to be sent upon the moment of cancellation or not at all.  I would like the power to send any applicable documentation from the staycard/reservation page at any impasse.  I hope this makes more sense.  I realize this isn't the original thesis of my suggestion ticket but I hope it clarifies things for you.

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