
Cancellation Reason

Please add this functionality

1. Mandatory Cancellation Reason

2. Cancellation Reason to appear in the Cancellation Report. 

Forum User

2 new Exports released.

Reports - Schedule a Report/Export - Scheduled Exports

Cancellations by Arrival Date

Cancellations by Cancellation Date

Exports include Roomnights, Predicted Room Revenue & Predicted Total Revenue including Totals for those numbers for the specified time period as well as the Cancellation Reason.

SNT Product Team

Forum User

Hello.    Any news on this?  we would like to see this - especailly now hotels are experiencing an increase in cancellations as part of the current health situations



Forum User

Just following up on this feature request

Thank you!

Forum User

Yes please!

Forum User

I would also like to request this feature

SNT Team

TWA has also requested this feature

Forum User

any updates?

Forum User


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