Rate Sequence on Rooms & Rates Page when making a Reservations
Erin Woods
started a topic 7 years ago
3 people like this idea
Hello! We would like to have more options to sort available rates on the Rooms & Rates page while making reservations. Currently, you can only sort by Highest to Lowest or Lowest to Highest. I would like to have one rate (our Flexible Rate) always be first, regardless if it is highest or lowest. Essentially, we would like to sort rates with priority on specific rate plans, rather just by their value.
Can we add a section for top 3 rates that will always show above any other rate plan?
3 people like this idea
Hello! We would like to have more options to sort available rates on the Rooms & Rates page while making reservations. Currently, you can only sort by Highest to Lowest or Lowest to Highest. I would like to have one rate (our Flexible Rate) always be first, regardless if it is highest or lowest. Essentially, we would like to sort rates with priority on specific rate plans, rather just by their value.
Can we add a section for top 3 rates that will always show above any other rate plan?