
Finalizing Check out


I would like to see a different step once check out is completed. Right now, once a guest checks out, you either have to print or email an invoice before they officially check out. If not once you check them out it kicks you out and you have to go back in through bills & charges in order to give them a receipt or email them a receipt.

I think once you you hit make payment the next box that should pop up should be "guest has checked out" and should have an option there to either print, or email receipt. This way the guest gets a receipt with a 0 balance and we do not have to get kicked out to go back into the stay card


Forum User
Agreed. Check out is awesomely fast, and adding one little confirmation is not going to hurt. As a general question, is the pre-auth released at checkout?
SNT Team

Implemented dialogue to return to the Billing screen of that guest if needed after check out.


SNT Product Team

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