
Ability to merge a Guest Card

It would be nice to delete or even merge duplicates of the same guest profile.  Most websites create new guest cards for every reservation, every time.  I would like to be able to get rid of these.

Forum User

Hi Becca,

I think the best would be to be able to merge the profiles. This way you can keep any linked revenue also all under one guest/contact! I hope a PM agrees on this, would be nice to 'clean' up duplicates. Greetings Janine (SnT consultant)

Forum User
Yes please!
Forum User

Yes, merge, not delete.

Forum User

Yes, merging would be great!

Forum User

Thanks, merge is actually much more important than Delete...

If we can request it, could we get a 'smart' merge system, that will recommend us which ones to merge?  Also, the option to merge multiple accounts in one shot?  OTAs especially do not have the ability to determine if it's a return guest, so we get a lot of duplicates.

Forum User

Hello! Thank you for making this merge feature as it is a great feature to have in order to provide the best service to our guests. One difficulty I am having with the feature is that it does not let me merge guest cards that have "active" reservations. Is there anyway to modify this? With our previous PMS it was no issue at all and we were able to combine guest information based on which information we wanted to keep. This would be extremely helpful so that we do not have to continuously apply the same information into "new" guest cards that don't have the full information (address, phone number, email, etc.) I have made a separate post requesting this feature to be implemented and hope to see it in a future update! 


SNT Team

Hi Hanna,

The team will have positive news for you imminently....

SNT Product Team

Forum User

I can see a new button in Rover MERGE - is it near??? :)

Forum User

I would like to know how we can merge profiles, please!

Forum User

This is a feature that we are also interested in.  Would love to have this capability.

Forum User

Any update on guest card merge?  We so need this for tracking.

Forum User

Not sure if this post has died, but it would still be helpful for us to be able to merge active reservation Guest Cards to past Guest Cards. Sometimes the guest information from the past card is what we would prefer to have on file instead of the active reservation guest information.

Thank you

Forum User


Forum User

Keep us updated:)

SNT Team

Hi All,

Thanks for your comments!

We have started to work on this feature - you will see updates coming soon!

The merge will take a little longer, but the managing of individual cards, deleting and removal of data in compliance with the new European data privacy law is what we are working on right now.

Will keep you posted,

SNT Product Team

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