Ability to modify allotment dates after Creation/ Pick up

We are unable to modify the start and end dates of allotments once it has been created. See example at the Orchard Hotel for Qantas.

Very inconvenient. 

Forum User

I can see that this was added 1 year ago and this is still not possible in the alloment... 

As previously said, this is very inconvient and I hope you will add this feature to the allotment function 

Forum User

please programme this, this is very annoying that we are not able to change those dates ! txs

Forum User

any news here?

Forum User

Another vote for this feature.  Need to be able to change the dates of an allotment.

Forum User

any news for this topic?

Forum User

We are also waiting for this functionality to be available for OKKO HOTELS.

Forum User

Waikiki Malia request to have a ability to change allotment duration, too. Mahalo

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