Reservations report for specific dates
2 CommentsSorted by Oldest First
This is a great idea! Dev, a past reservation report with the option to filter by certain arrival and departure dates would be great, too. This would be especially helpful for our Zest Station clients as they have the opportunity to capture more market data directly from the guest.
Great news! We’ve added a Date Range selection option for all duration filters (including Arrivals and Departures) for all custom exports from Reports > Schedule a Report/Export > Custom Exports. Output data will then be filtered accordingly. I would suggest using the Reservations export for this need - you can set it to include email address and any other relevant details.
Hope this helps!
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As from now on, I need a report which is able to provide me with guest's email addresses, who are staying with us during certain periods.
For instance, I need e-mail addresses from guests who are staying with us next week and e-mail addresses from guests staying with us during the IBC period.
At this moment, I use the "future reservations" report. However, this report provides me with ALL the upcoming reservations. So I need to filter to the correct arrival dates, etc, which takes quite some time.
It would be great if a report could be created, which provides me with guest's details only for specific periods.
Kind regards, Anouk