Booking LOS Maximum

Currently, we can only book up to 92 nights stay in SNT. This is a bit of inconvenient when we book Lease which is typically 91 nights - up to a year. We are currently making back to back reservations so we can show the entitlement of Tax Exempt for the lease term, but technically it skews the Arrival & Departure statistics. We have average 2-4 Lease guest rooms so not too much of the impact but it will be ideal if we can book up to 366 nights ( Leap year) 

SNT Team

Hello Seiko, 

yes, good point. We had internally discussed this for a long time and in the end opted for the restriction of 92 days so we won't compromise performance when the user searches for rooms and rates. Since our search is very open and there is technically no limit as to how many rates a property can have, this can end up impacting performance significantly. I just thought, maybe a workaround could be to allow reservations for 366 nights but force the user to select a rate. I would think that you normally have specific long stay rates so you don't need to search all rates when you make reservations of this length of time? Maybe this is something we could consider for future implementation...

SNT Product Team

Forum User

thank you for the reply. It makes sense what you explained to me. This is just for the lease which generally for us needs to be 91 nights minimum which in DC, a guest is entitled to tax exempt. It is also our business tracking, we consider 91+days continuous stay becomes lease which reflects on the market segment as lease requires a contract and generally much lower rate compared to Corporate Negotiated. We have no urgent needs as we can prove that a guest indeed stayed more than 91 nights as long as PMS record shows multiple bookings indicates back to back stay without delay on check out/check in. 

I thought it would be nice to be able to book a contracted term in one shot but not a big deal. 


Forum User

We have about 25 rooms staying through fema that lost their houses in the recent fires. For billing fema requires one folio number for the entire stay. Making new reservations is not an option and asking the guests to leave after 92 days because of a system problem is not something we will do. This is solution is not acceptable.

SNT Team
Duplicate feature request; merging into one