
Commission Export Report

Can the scheduled export for commissions include the fields below? Onyx requires this information to submit payment to travel agents. I attached the report which needs to be filled out by us which includes the format.
  1. Confirmation Number
  2. IATA Number
  3. Guest Last Name
  4. Guest First Name
  5. Arrival Date (YYYYMMDD if possible)
  6. Departure Date (YYYYMMDD if possible)
  7. Number of Nights
  8. Commissionable Revenue
  9. Gross Commission Due
  10. Travel Agency Name
  11. Travel Agency Address
  12. Travel Agency City
  13. Travel Agency State
  14. Travel Agency Country Code
  15. Travel Agency Postal Code 

SNT Team

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your detailed request. We are looking to include the export to Onyx later this year, so this information will give us a good head start. I will keep you updated!

SNT Team

The export for Onyx has been implemented as part of a recent release - thanks for the feedback!

SNT Product Team

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