Would love to have the ability to select upon arrival for the folio to be sent to the guest automatically upon checkout. Would need for this to be selective so we can choose folio A vs. folio B, etc. so the guest only receives the intended folio if reservation is third party or room and tax paid for by someone else and should remain suppressed from guest knowledge.
1 Comment
Celso Ribeiro
about 1 month ago
Forum User
I been saying the same thing to be able to send the 2nd folio without having to click on invoice to send it,.
3 people like this idea
Would love to have the ability to select upon arrival for the folio to be sent to the guest automatically upon checkout. Would need for this to be selective so we can choose folio A vs. folio B, etc. so the guest only receives the intended folio if reservation is third party or room and tax paid for by someone else and should remain suppressed from guest knowledge.