Ability to Apply a Temporary Override on all Minimum Night Stay Restrictions
I agree - I will see if we can find a suitable place for it on our future development roadmap - please hold...
Yes...please. BUT ALSO the opposite needs to be true. The way it functions now is really impossible for any advanced property. An easy fix would be to make it so that regardless of whether the restriction is on the rate plan configuration or applied to the rate manager...the MOST restricting rule should apply. Not always the rate plan...and not always the rate manager. Just the hierarchy or restrictions should control it.
i.e. if I have a rate plan that is programmed for a 7 night stay on the rate plan configuration... I should be able to put a 2-night MLOS on the HOUSE in the rate manager (/all rate plans in the rate manager). When I put that 2-night MLOS on the house...the rate plan which requires 7 nights should STILL require 7 nights, as that's the more advanced restriction.
i.e. #2 - if I have a rate plan that requires a 2-night MLOS, and then I put a 3-night MLOS on the house in the rate manager.... the rate manager restriction should still apply as it's more restricted. The rate PLAN should not be "changed," though. It just wouldn't show availability as the house requires 3 nights. That way, if I ever go back and delete the house restriction of 3....the rate plan still holds its 2-night restriction.
Once that's done...It'd also be nice to be able to have a separate line for putting restrictions on the "house" instead of selecting all rate plans.
This is just about the most important thing for me right now, after using the system for a month. And this is the way all other systems I've used work! Thank you so much. Please contact me with questions!
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This has come about as a request because of ComiCon (here in San Diego). Certain rates on the rate code have a 2 night min length of stay; however, during the week of ComiCon we want to increase all rates (the entire house) to a 3 night min length of stay.