Additional Filters in the Housekeeping Task Assignment Module
Thank you for your feedback! We will soon be reviewing our task assignment module and will take your requests into consideration!
Hi Nicki, This would be so great to have. Do you have any information on this since it is a year old... /Hanna
TWA has also requested the ability to sort rooms numerically on the room assignment screen
TWA has also requested the ability to exclude dirty OOO rooms from task assginment
The Stamford Hotel would also like the ability to filter by room type and to exclude OOO / OOS rooms.
The Lafayette Hotel would like the ability to filter by Room Type similar to how you can filter by Work Type. Also, the ability to exclude OOO / OOS rooms will be helpful.
Public would like to see the ability to sort HK Boards display to sort by floors (ascending,descending) or names (alphabetically)
The Gallivant has also requested the ability to sort rooms numerically on the room assignment screen (not just on the printed boards)
Hotel Zephyr is also interested in this.
2 people like this idea